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Our credo: AI doesn't work against you, but - if you know how to use it properly - for you.

Solving Today with AI: The Hands-On Workshop

In a half-day intensive workshop, we show how to use and apply the power of AI effectively, considering the level of knowledge of the participants.

We show useful scenarios for using ChatGPT, Midjourney, Microsoft Copilot etc. and focus on the specific needs of your company and the participants. Together, we will find out what AI can do for your company and work out initial solutions together.

Workshop Agenda

After a pre-talk, we customize the modules to your company's level of knowledge, needs and expectations.


AI-powered workflows

We show how digitalwerk has successfully integrated different AI models into everyday life - and identify potential for the application of AI in the participants' professional fields.

Use cases of current AI-tools

Purposeful use and practical applications of current AI tools and their functions - from ChatGPT to Midjourney, Adobe Firefly and Dall-E to Microsoft Copilot.

How to prompt

Talk nerdy to AI: Tips & insights on the right prompting for AI text and image generators, with the aim of achieving better results even faster.

Hands-on Training

In small groups, the knowledge gained is applied and solutions for the individual challenges of the company and the participants are developed with the help of different AI tools.

Hot Topics in AI

How reliable is AI knowledge? What ethical considerations must be taken into account? What about data protection? Who holds the copyright? These questions will also be answered in the workshop.

Your Coaches

The workshop is led by 2-4 people from different disciplines - depending on the number of participants and the key topics.

Anna Benda

Creative Director

Raphael Berthold

Art Director

Team member

matching individual requirements

Hard facts


In an intensive 4-5 hours, you and your team will not only learn the basics of theoretical knowledge - we pay great attention to practical examples and hands-on exercises.


The workshop takes place either in person (at our premises at Vienna's Getreidemarkt or at your company) or virtually. The group size is between 5-15 participants. Languages offered: German and English.


Our workshop is primarily designed for people who have already gained initial experience with AI in a professional context and want to know how they can use it more effectively and efficiently.


After our workshop, all participants will have overcome any reservations and will know how and in which areas of their everyday work they can use AI effectively. All workshop content is also provided as a PDF document.

Our goal? To tap into new potential together with AI.

"Our team at Henkel appreciated the insights and practical knowledge shared during the AI workshop by digitalwerk. The session provided valuable perspectives that we are excited to integrate into our ongoing projects and initiatives. It was a meaningful opportunity to enhance our understanding of AI's potential in our industry."

Theresa Solta
Global Digital & Social Engagement Lead, Henkel

"Everyone is currently dealing with the AI hype. That's why it's so important for students to gain practical insights into ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dall-E etc.. And who, if not the pros at digitalwerk, can teach this in such a smart and practical way? Thank you Anna and Raphael. You took my students on an inspiring and entertaining journey through the world of AI. Conclusion: Artificial intelligence is here to stay. It's good that there are digital professionals who are AI forerunners in this field."

Peter Sitte
University lecturer at the University of Vienna, Department of Communication, Managing Partner of the PR agency com_unit

"The workshop with digitalwerk showed us the range of possible applications for AI. We now know how to talk to our "junior" so that it supports us in our daily work. 😊 Thank you for the exciting morning!"

Mag. Brigitte Maier
Management petrichor

Contact & Download

Please contact us for a non-binding exchange on the topic of artificial intelligence - or request your workshop offer.

From MP4 to DIN A4, we think in all formats, sizes and directions. A more detailed agency presentation including cases is therefore available here as a PDF for download:

Agency Folder
digitalwerk 2024
Michaela Pleiner
Account Manager
T +43 1 264
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