The year of changes

As for many, the first half of the year was an important object lesson for us. From one day to the next, agency life and common working methods were overturned. Thanks to an open-minded and flexible environment, this also took us by surprise, but didn't bring us down. As digital natives, we quickly learned to stay connected - even without being physically close to each other. This was proof of concept for us: we don't have to be in the same room to do good work.
It strengthened our will to evolve. We preach change - so we have to live it. And a lot has changed for us: in addition to moving into a new office and redesigning our CI, we have redefined our way of working and broken up our internal structure.
A new structure had been planned at digitalwerk for a long time. One that allows us to react faster, more dynamically and even more interdisciplinary to needs, requirements and current market developments.
We are taking advantage of the current mood of change, with which we have moved from our home office into our new premises, to roll out this new internal structure now:
From now on, the operational management of the agency will be the responsibility of Christopher Röder in the position of Chief Operations Officer. Below him, a streamlined management team acts as the head of the individual teams: Mariella Greiml, Head of Creation, Philipp Aschauer, Client Service Director, and Stefanie Schönlieb, Head of Digital Marketing Management. The departments were also restructured and merged. Five teams became three: Account Management, Digital Marketing Management and Creation. Rigid structures were opened up to create synergies, make processes more fluid, bundle competencies and promote diversity of ideas.
Our new self-conception
Questioning the existing and rethinking it, breaking out of the current instead of swimming with it, putting people, their needs and their development at the center - all this is deeply anchored in our corporate philosophy. That is why responsibilities have not only been redistributed on the management floor. The new structure is also accompanied by a new credo that gives everyone more responsibility but also more freedom.
More freedom and trust for and in everyone. We are breaking away from fixed attendance times. Agency presence is almost entirely voluntary - except for client meetings, workshops and urgent arrangements.
Our goal is the best experience in everything we do. We are convinced that this step, which had already been in the planning stages for over a year, holds great opportunities for us. We are increasingly relying on our internal expertise, which we are promoting and training in the best possible way. For our customers, we continue to be partners, helpers, supporters, bridge builders and companions.
Everything we produce at digitalwerk is digital marketing - regardless of spatial proximity or standardized functions.
That is freedom as we understand and live it
With their expertise, founders Michael Gattereder and Robert Moick as well as shareholders Christopher Röder and Dorian Kopez support this transformation as internal consultants, mentors and sparring partners. As digitalwerk, we are actively writing the future together.
Even more room for development
The new digitalwerk spirit fills our new office, which we were able to move into after more than a year of planning and renovation work.